ebook、Twitter、Instagram有什么区别?|亿美元和解获批 Facebook逃过350亿美元人脸识别诉讼赔偿|定成败-T

🟨🟧🟩🟦细节决定成败-Twitter因无意中将有些推文标记为误导性内|6.5亿美元和解获批 Facebook逃过350亿美元人脸识|Facebook、Twitter、Instagram有什么区🟨🟧🟩🟦

在过去几年中,人脸识别功能日益在各行各业采用,但是与此同时也引发了侵犯大众隐私权的争议和担忧,一些互联网公司未经用户同意、擅自采集人脸特征数据的做法遭到了舆论炮轰。据媒体 新消息,之前,美国社交网络服务商Facebook因为未经同意采集数百万用户的人脸识别信息遭到了集体诉讼,而在日前,美国一家联邦地方法院批准了Facebook提出的诉讼和解协议,Facebook将一共赔偿6.5亿美元。该公司所支付的代价,远远小于 初猜测的350亿美元经济索赔。

In the past few years, face recognition function has been increasingly used in all walks of life, but at the same time, it has also caused disputes and concerns about the infringement of public privacy. Some Internet companies collect face feature data without the consent of users, which has been bombarded by public opinion. According to the latest news from the media, Facebook, the US social networking service, has been sued for collecting face recognition information of millions of users without consent. Recently, a US District Court approved the settlement agreement proposed by Facebook, which will pay a total of 650 million US dollars. The cost paid by the company is far less than the $35 billion economic claim initially estimated.


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细节决定成败-Twitter因无意中将有些推文标记为误导性内|6.5亿美元和解获批 Facebook逃过350亿美元人脸识|Facebook、Twitter、Instagram有什么区❤️‍🔥


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