ins买粉 FaceBook什么时候用推荐好友功能?




Many people will choose to use Facebook's recommended friends list function in the early days of Facebook. Especially after he adds one or two relatively accurate people, he will find that the people in the Facebook recommendation list are basically people with relevant information. Then he will naively think that all the people in the recommended list in the future are related and accurate users, but in fact, you will find this problem when your friends are between 100 and 500. Of every 10 people, he may have a few accurate, but he will have almost 30% of the people are not accurate.



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另外还有一个地方比较值得大家注意的,就是别人发送给你的好友请求啊,通常情况下 初的时候,别人发送过来的好友请求我们一般来说都要进行严格的筛选,到后期的话,其实别人发送过来好友请求,我们可以完全的忽略掉他啊,比如你看上面这两张图片所列表的他们的好友分别已经差不多2000个人了,这个时候你会发现她所有的推荐好友列表都已经定性了。


For example, even if there are three or five inaccurate people in the 20 recommendations, they will not affect the continuous output of Facebook's recommended friends list, so we suggest that Facebook should automatically add the recommended friends list at this stage, and the above two images are not added for the first time, This person, who has added two rounds of friends before, should be added to more than 5000 people in total, but more than 5000 people have been deleted by ah after developing customers, so you will find that in the friend recommendation list, it will be relatively fixed, 70% of people are accurate, 30% of people are inaccurate, and this proportion will always be relatively stable.

而这个时候我们采取添加好友列表里面的人,哪怕你再加到5000个1万个,他们的比例基本上没有多大的变化,所以他 核心的用处应该是在这里。


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