ins买粉 Twitter股价暴跌21% 创2014年来最大单日跌幅

🟨🟧🟩🟦加vx: 『buyfensi』 - Twitter shares closed down 21.11% to $41.36 on Friday, the biggest one-day drop since 2014. The company had previously released third quarter results, showing revenue and profits were better than analysts expected, but user growth slowed significantly. According to Twitter's financial report, the company's average daily realizable active users (mdau) in the third quarter was 187 million, a month on month increase of only 1 million, compared with 145 million in the same period last year, which was less than the market's expected 195 million.🟨🟧🟩🟦


Twitter股价周五收盘暴跌21.11%,报41.36美元,创2014年来 大单日跌幅。该公司此前公布三季度财报显示营收及利润均超分析师预期,但用户增长显著放缓。Twitter财报显示,该公司三季度日平均可变现活跃用户(mDAU)1.87亿,环比仅增加了100万,去年同期为1.45亿,不及市场预期的1.95亿。

Twitter shares closed down 21.11% to $41.36 on Friday, the biggest one-day drop since 2014. The company had previously released third quarter results, showing revenue and profits were better than analysts expected, but user growth slowed significantly. According to Twitter's financial report, the company's average daily realizable active users (mdau) in the third quarter was 187 million, a month on month increase of only 1 million, compared with 145 million in the same period last year, which was less than the market's expected 195 million.


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According to the financial report, Twitter's earnings per share in the third quarter were $0.04, compared with a profit of $0.05 in the same period last year, and the market expected a loss of $0.10; The adjusted earnings per share is US $0.19, and the market expectation is US $0.05; The revenue is 936 million US dollars, 824 million US dollars in the same period last year, and the market expectation is 773 million US dollars; The net profit was $28.659 million, compared with $36.52 million in the same period last year, and the market expected a net loss of $79.29 million.


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