ins买粉 Facebook利用AI改善针对视障人士的照片描述

🟨🟧🟩🟦加vx: 『buyfensi』 - One of the most common shared content on Facebook and other social media platforms is photos. Although most social media users can understand a picture and what it represents, it is not so easy for the blind or visually impaired. Facebook said screen readers can use synthetic voice to describe the content of the images, so that blind or visually impaired users can understand the images in the Facebook feed.🟨🟧🟩🟦

在Facebook和其他社交媒体平台上 常见的分享内容之一是照片。虽然大多数社交媒体用户都能看懂一张图片,并了解它所代表的内容,但对于那些盲人或视障人士来说就不那么容易了。Facebook表示,屏幕阅读器可以使用合成语音描述这些图片的内容,让盲人或视障用户能够理解Facebook feed中的图片。


One of the most common shared content on Facebook and other social media platforms is photos. Although most social media users can understand a picture and what it represents, it is not so easy for the blind or visually impaired. Facebook said screen readers can use synthetic voice to describe the content of the images, so that blind or visually impaired users can understand the images in the Facebook feed.

然而,许多照片在发布时没有alt文字,导致Facebook在2016年推出了自动替代文本(AAT)。该技术利用对象识别技术为盲人或视障用户按需生成照片的描述。自2016年以来,Facebook一直致力于改进AAT,并在 近推出了下一代技术。Facebook在AAT上的进步改善了用户的照片体验,AAT可以可靠地检测和识别照片中的概念数量扩大了十倍以上。这意味着没有描述的照片减少了,提供的描述也更加详细。AAT可以识别活动、地标、动物类型等等。


Facebook表示,这一进步可以帮助盲人或视力受损的用户更好地理解家人和朋友发布照片中的内容。 新版本的AAT使用了一个在数十亿张Instagram公开图片和标签数据上训练出来的模型。训练后产生的模型更加准确,并且在文化和人口统计方面更具包容性。改进后的AAT可以可靠地识别1200多个概念。

Facebook said the progress could help blind or visually impaired users better understand the content of photos posted by family and friends. The latest version of AAT uses a model trained on billions of instagram public images and tag data. After training, the resulting model is more accurate and more inclusive in terms of culture and demography. The improved AAT can reliably identify more than 1200 concepts.

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