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Earlier this year, twitter launched a new reply function. In this function, Twitter's reply will be linked up like other platforms such as reddit, so that it's easier to see the comments and the content of the comments. Unfortunately, not everyone likes this function.
根据Twitter 的消息,该功能并不受到用户喜欢,Twitter暂时撤销这个功能, 近Twitter 发布声明表示,你的反馈塑造了Twitter,我们知道你并不喜欢这个回复布局功能,该功能很难阅读和加入对话,我们目前已经关闭了这种模式,转而致力于改善Twitter上对话的其它方式。
According to the official news of twitter, this function is not liked by users. Twitter has temporarily suspended this function. Recently, the official statement of twitter said that your feedback has shaped twitter. We know you don't like this reply layout function. It's very difficult to read and add dialogue to this function. We have closed this mode at present, Instead, they are working on other ways to improve the conversation on twitter.
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