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当地时间6日晚,美国总统特朗普签署行政令,宣布对两个广受欢迎的与 有关的社交网络软件TikTok和 进行全面限制措施。
此前, 外交部发言人汪文斌在例行记者会上就Tiktok事件表示,一段时间以来,美方在拿不出任何证据的情况下,泛化 安全概念,滥用 力量,无理打压特定的非美国企业,违背市场经济原则,也违反世贸组织开放、透明、非歧视的原则,是赤裸裸的霸凌行径,中方对此坚决反对。
Earlier, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said at a regular press conference on the tiktok incident that for some time, without any evidence, the US side has generalized the concept of national security, abused state power and unreasonably suppressed specific non US enterprises, which violates the principles of market economy and the principles of openness, transparency and non discrimination of the WTO, It is a blatant act of bullying, which China firmly opposes.
根据《纽约时报》的报道, 项针对TikTok的行政令勒令其 母公司字节跳动,如果在45天内没有出售TikTok,将被美国封禁。也就是说,特朗普此前发布的TikTok口头威胁已经落地,如果TikTok在限期内不被美国公司收购。
特朗普还签署了另一项针对全球10亿用户的 社交软件 行政令,称自行政令签署之日起45天内,禁止任何人在美国司法管辖范围内与腾讯或其 进行相关交易或金融转账。特朗普表示, 将自动从用户那里获取大量信息。这种数据收集威胁到美国人的个人信息安全。
至于禁令的范围,包括准确禁止的交易内容,还有很多不清楚的地方。但《纽约时报》指出, 行政令的影响将比TikTok更严重。 广泛应用于世界各地,尤其是 人,是重要的日常交流工具。如果 在美国受到限制,将会产生巨大的影响。
外交部发言人汪文斌此前指出,我们注意到美国国内和 社会对此也有很多批评和质疑的声音,美方把所谓的 安全作为打压有关企业的理由,这根本站不住脚,不过是为自己寻找借口而已。有关企业按照市场原则和 规则,在美开展商业活动,遵守美国的法律法规,但美方却以莫须有的罪名进行设限打压,这完全是政治操弄。事实上美方动用 机器打压他国企业的行为屡见不鲜,日本的东芝、法国的阿尔斯通等公司都曾遭受过美方的蛮横打压,美方标榜的所谓公平竞争的虚伪性暴露无遗,严重损害美国的 信誉和形象。如果按照美方的这种错误做法,那么任何一个 都可以以 安全为由,对任何一家美国企业采取类似的举措。美方务必不要打开潘多拉的盒子,否则将自食其果。
Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin pointed out earlier that we have noticed that there are many criticisms and doubts in the United States and the international community. The United States regards the so-called national security as a reason to suppress the relevant enterprises, which is not tenable at all. It is just looking for an excuse for itself. The relevant enterprises carry out business activities in the United States in accordance with market principles and international rules and abide by the laws and regulations of the United States. However, the United States has imposed restrictions and suppressed them with unwarranted charges. This is totally political manipulation. As a matter of fact, it is not uncommon for the US side to use the state machine to suppress other countries' enterprises. Toshiba of Japan, Alstom of France and other companies have suffered from the US side's brutal suppression. The hypocrisy of the so-called fair competition advertised by the US side has been exposed, which has seriously damaged the US national reputation and image. If we follow this wrong practice of the US side, then any country can take similar measures against any US enterprise on the grounds of national security. The US side must not open Pandora's box, or it will suffer its own consequences.
汪文斌强调,我们呼吁美方认真倾听美本国和 社会的理性声音,不要将经济问题政治化,为各国市场主体在美投资经营提供开放、公平、公正、非歧视的投资营商环境,多做有利于全球经济发展的事情。
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