🟨🟧🟩🟦加vx: 『buyfensi』 - 我自2018年4月2日起对原产于美国的7类128项进口商品中止关税减让义务,在现行适用关税税率基础上加征关税,对水果及制品等120项进口商品加征关税税率为15%,对猪肉及制品等8项进口商品加征关税税率为25%。现行保税、减免税政策不变。- 超级ins涨粉丝网- 自助下单,安全快捷的粉丝购买平台🟨🟧🟩🟦
[超级ins涨粉丝网] https://www.superlikefollow.com01、2018年4月2日起我国对原产于美国的部分进口商品中止关税减让义务
Since April 2, 2018, I have suspended the duty of tariff concession on 128 imported goods of 7 categories originating in the United States, and imposed additional duties on the basis of the current applicable tariff rate. The additional tariff rate on 120 imported goods such as fruits and products is 15%, and the additional tariff rate on 8 imported goods such as pork and products is 25%. The current bonded and tax reduction and exemption policies remain unchanged.
02、海关总署 发展改革委公告2018年第22号
海关总署和 发展改革委2018年3月5日批准《冻鲽鱼制品加工贸易单耗标准》等16项修订的加工贸易单耗标准(标准名称、文本详见公告附件1、2),自2018年4月6日起执行。原《冻鲽鱼制品加工贸易单耗标准》等16项加工贸易单耗标准(标准名称详见公告附件3)同时废止。
On March 5, 2018, the General Administration of customs and the national development and Reform Commission approved 16 revised unit consumption standards for processing trade, including the unit consumption standard for processing trade of frozen sole products (see Annex 1 and 2 of the announcement for the name and text of the standard), which shall be implemented from April 6, 2018. The original 16 unit consumption standards for processing trade such as the unit consumption standard for frozen sole products (see Annex 3 of the announcement for the name of the standard) shall be abolished at the same time.