ins买粉 TikTok推出首个利用iPhone 12 Pro LiDAR技术的AR特效

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从实际效果来看,在爆炸后放出的彩纸掉落效果和真实彩纸并没有什么区别,在人移开之后这些彩纸还会进一步受重力影响掉落。TikTok 介绍说,由于 AR 效果与用户环境的互动方式,因而能够在视觉上打通数字世界和物理世界。

From the actual effect, there is no difference between the falling effect of the colored paper released after the explosion and the real colored paper. After people move away, the colored paper will fall further under the influence of gravity. Tiktok said that due to the interaction between AR effect and user environment, it can visually connect the digital world and physical world.
