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《卫报》报告称,2020年 后六个月男士护肤品市场增长了300%,彩妆尤其是黑眼圈和皱纹的遮瑕膏 为畅销。可见,除了女性群体外,男性买家也是一个不容忽视的美妆潜在买家群体。

The Guardian reported that the market of men's skin care products has increased by 300% in the last six months of 2020, and cosmetics, especially concealer for dark circles and wrinkles, are popular. It can be seen that in addition to women, male buyers are also a potential group of beauty buyers that can not be ignored.get 100 free 美国版抖音 likes,daily 美国版抖音 likes

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