🟨🟧🟩🟦加vx: 『buyfensi』 - 事实上,它的外观更干净,更新鲜。中间部分的白色和灰色背景看起来很棒,甚至在以前公司的蓝色标题上。具体来说,这是一个可以感知到的许多变化:搜索引擎移动到左边,中心部分按主页按钮、通知、监控、个人数据、市场、群组和 的顺序分配,而配置保持在右上角。- 超级ins涨粉丝网- 自助下单,安全快捷的粉丝购买平台🟨🟧🟩🟦
在本节中,马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)教授了一年的Facebook Web界面新外观,从今年5月开始,您可以使用它并以经典视图替代它。但这将在不到一个月的时间内结束。
Facebook will launch a new design in September for all users of the desktop version, which was announced more than a year ago and will change its traditional look to blue by enabling dark mode. But he will elaborate: this change will be mandatory and will not allow a return to the classic view. As a result, the social network has updated its help page and started displaying notifications to users when it opened its desktop version to inform users that the new Facebook design will be enforced from September.
事实上,它的外观更干净,更新鲜。中间部分的白色和灰色背景看起来很棒,甚至在以前公司的蓝色标题上。具体来说,这是一个可以感知到的许多变化:搜索引擎移动到左边,中心部分按主页按钮、通知、监控、个人数据、市场、群组和 的顺序分配,而配置保持在右上角。
The rest (the cylinder) respects the old way to a great extent. On the left, you can access your managed pages, Facebook gamming, events and saved posts. In the center, you can see the impact of instagram, which is due to the presence of more contact stories.
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