ins买粉 facebook照片审核频繁是因为哪些原因引起?

🟨🟧🟩🟦加vx: 『buyfensi』 - As for foreign trade users, these problems still need to be paid attention to. In order to improve the product marketing effect, there are many details that need to be paid attention to, Facebook is certainly a platform for product sales, and the sales effect is also very ideal, but there are many rules and regulations in it. When it comes to product sales, if the products sold by users are normal and have a certain brand awareness, there is no problem in choosing Facebook as the main camp, but if the products sold by users are not brand products, So when choosing the marketing platform, we can pay attention to Facebook, but we can't take it as the only dominant platform. Otherwise, in the later stage, if some abnormalities occur and the account is frozen for a long time, it will have a serious impact on product sales. Therefore, we should pay attention to the simultaneous development of multiple platforms, and Facebook is only used as an auxiliary platform, so that the long-term product marketing effect in the later stage can be guaranteed.🟨🟧🟩🟦

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Facebook product promotion and marketing is a marketing method that many domestic foreign trade enterprises are good at using at present. It not only has good directional sales effect, but also needs less attention in the sales process. Many users have encountered the problem of Facebook photo audit in the Facebook marketing stage. How to solve this problem?

FACEBOOK照片审核这种情况并不是 近才出现的,进入外贸领域发展三年以上的用户都会了解,早在2016年阶段就已经出现了这种问题,通常情况下每间隔10~14天的时间, 都会要求照片审核,而且审核时间通常是在两天左右,这一阶段是无法登录facebook的,毫无疑问这种情况对于外贸企业产品营销造成的影响非常大,不仅各个流程操作和环节繁琐,还会导致引流效果降低,想要在facebook营销中拥有较好的营销效果,就一定要关注如何解决此种类型问题。

首先我们要了解为什么会频繁出现facebook照片审核情况,之所以出现这种情况,是因为用户账户操作违规所致,一旦出现这种状况,要立即进行身份照片验证,如不进行验证则无法使用账号,后期则会被长时间冻结。之所以出现这种情况有两种原因,第1种原因在于用户有违规操作,而且这样的违规操作较为频繁,所出现的问题较为尖锐,这种状态下会被要求进行照片审核,如果用户并没有在登录之后采用违规操作,那么多数原因是ip出现了问题,例如用户所使用的 出现问题,众所周知,目前大众想要登录facebook,从国内是无法达成的,因为相关的管理机制所致,因此都会使用到 , 所出现的问题是很多的,而在这层面中主要是ip问题,例如某些ip曾频繁出现问题,登录facebook之后有诸多不当行为,如果在 中外贸企业用户使用了相同的Ip,那么就必然会被涉及到FACEBOOK照片审核问题。想要规避这一类型的问题,首先一定要选择品牌资质的 ,之后阶段看一下对于这一类型 的评价,如果没有出现facebook相关问题,则可以使用这一类型的 。

另外一种情况就较为严重的了,这种情况主要是外贸企业产品销售的产品种类以及产品本身问题,在facebook上广告管理这一层面是极为严格的,如果产品是仿品,几乎无法在facebook上进行产品宣传,早期阶段初期完成账号注册时发布产品信息可以达成,但后期阶段在facebook审核过程中发现其是仿品或者是所宣传的内容存在夸大的可能性,就会重新对用户进行照片审核,如果发现有误差则会冻结该账号,一旦出现这一类型的问题,对于外贸企业用户的影响非常大。此外用户上传产品的数量也和后期阶段的审核有关,例如一个星期上传二十几种产品,并没有超出产品正常上传范畴,这种状态下不会出现太多的问题,但有些用户 就会上传高达几十种产品,通常个人外贸用户经常会这么做,这一类型的外贸用户,没有自己的代工厂,也没有自己的企业,往往是寻找其他外贸企业销售的产品,自行营销推广获得佣金,这一类型的用户甚至某天上传的产品会高达几十件,每个星期上新的产品会达到数百,像这一类型的活动就会被facebook 认证为可疑行动,后期阶段被重复照片审核的概率就会非常高,因此这一类型的个人用户一定要重点关注好上传产品数量问题。

如上这些要点内容是facebook照片审核状况频繁的主要原因,关注好这一类型的问题才能够有效规避被频繁照片审核情况发生,对于外贸用户而言,这些问题还是需要关注的,想要在产品营销效果方面提升起来,有很多细节问题也需要做好关注,facebook固然是一个产品销售的平台,销售效果也很理想,但在其中条条框框也很多,涉及产品销售时,如果用户所销售的产品正常,并且有一定的品牌知名度,选择facebook作为主阵营没有任何问题,但如果用户所销售产的产品并非品牌产品,那么在营销平台选择时可以关注facebook,但不能够将其作为 主导性平台,否则后期阶段一旦发生某些异常,导致账户被长期冻结,则会对产品销售造成严重影响,因此应该关注多平台同时发展,facebook仅作为辅助平台,这样后期阶段长期产品营销效果才有保障。


As for foreign trade users, these problems still need to be paid attention to. In order to improve the product marketing effect, there are many details that need to be paid attention to, Facebook is certainly a platform for product sales, and the sales effect is also very ideal, but there are many rules and regulations in it. When it comes to product sales, if the products sold by users are normal and have a certain brand awareness, there is no problem in choosing Facebook as the main camp, but if the products sold by users are not brand products, So when choosing the marketing platform, we can pay attention to Facebook, but we can't take it as the only dominant platform. Otherwise, in the later stage, if some abnormalities occur and the account is frozen for a long time, it will have a serious impact on product sales. Therefore, we should pay attention to the simultaneous development of multiple platforms, and Facebook is only used as an auxiliary platform, so that the long-term product marketing effect in the later stage can be guaranteed.

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