ins买粉 抖音的月度用户达到4000万!俄罗斯也发布了一款名为“Yappy”的TikTok替代品!如何在美国版的抖音上进行主播相关操作

🟨🟧🟩🟦加vx: 『buyfensi』 - #site_ Name # learned that earlier this year, TikTok and other American social platforms were attacked by the Russian government. At the beginning of July, the Russian government also required 13 technology companies, including Facebook, Twitter, TikTok and the British chat application Telegram, to open offices in Russia, otherwise they would face a to host someone on 美国版抖音🟨🟧🟩🟦


据获悉,最近俄罗斯Gazprom Media发布了一款名为“Yappy”的视频共享应用程序,旨在与TikTok竞争,以此加大对外国科技公司的压力。目前该应用可以在苹果应用商店和谷歌应用商店下载。

#site_ Name # learned that while Russia is increasing pressure on foreign technology companies, Gazprom Media of Russia recently announced the launch of a video sharing application "Yappy" to compete with TikTok. Currently, it can be downloaded from the Apple App Store and Google to host someone on 美国版抖音


俄罗斯此前宣布计划在那里 2020年底开发TikTok替代品。Yappy”在Innoraktika普京总统的女儿在基金会的支持下发展Katerina Tikhonova负责。该应用于今年9月开始Beta测试,有很多和TikTok类似的功能,可以说是TikTok的替代品。




#site_ Name # learned that earlier this year, TikTok and other American social platforms were attacked by the Russian government. At the beginning of July, the Russian government also required 13 technology companies, including Facebook, Twitter, TikTok and the British chat application Telegram, to open offices in Russia, otherwise they would face a to host someone on 美国版抖音


小编✎   Estella/超级ins涨粉丝网


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