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2020上半年App榜单:抖音及TikTok下载量全球 ,收入全球第三
此前SensorTower数据显示,TikTok是2020年5月全球下载量 大的应用程序(非游戏),安装量超过1.119亿,比2019年5月增长了1倍。在此期间,安装量 大的 是印度,占总下载量的20%;美国为9.3%。
Previous data from sensortower showed that tiktok was the world's largest downloaded app (non game) in May 2020, with more than 111.9 million installed, double the number in May 2019. During this period, the country with the largest number of installations was India, accounting for 20% of the total downloads; 9.3% in the United States.
IT之家了解到,今年 季度,抖音共获得3.15亿次下载,是全球下载量 高的移动应用。创下全球任意一款App的单季下载纪录,也刷新了它自己在2018年第四季度创下的2.057亿次世界纪录,环比大增近60%。
[超级ins涨粉丝网] https://www.superlikefollow.comIT's home understands that in the first quarter of this year, the total number of downloads was 315 million times tiktok, the highest in the world. It has set a single quarter download record for any app in the world, and also set a new world record of 205.7 million downloads in the fourth quarter of 2018, a significant increase of nearly 60% on a month on month basis.
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