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Byte dance, the parent company, has hired TEV tok, chairman of Disney's streaming services such as Disney + and Hulu, as its chief executive. He will also serve as chief operating officer of bytedance and will be responsible for promoting "global development" for large companies as well as music, games and other areas. Mayer will take office on June 1.
多年来,梅耶(Mayer)在迪士尼的互联网战略中发挥了关键作用。他曾在Go.com和ESPN.com等相关网站上工作,但 近成为迪士尼+发布会的监督者而声名显赫。不到半年的时间,这项服务就获得了超过5,000万订户的早期成功(其中一些是由于与印度Hotstar的联系)。现在,这是一条生命线-大多数电影院都因大流行而关闭,这是迪斯尼必须向公众发行新电影的几种方式之一。
目前尚不清楚新任首席执行官将如何塑造TikTok,尽管他在流媒体娱乐方面的经验会派上用场。他的时机肯定到了。Sensor Tower确定,随着锁定的开始,人们在3月份下载了TikTok 1100万次,几乎是12月的两倍。有大量需求-梅耶(Mayer)的诀窍是,一旦在公共场合冒险就更安全,就可以维持这种增长。
It is unclear how the new CEO will shape tiktok, although his experience in streaming entertainment will come in handy. His time must have come. Sensor tower determined that with the start of locking, people downloaded tiktok 11 million times in March, almost twice as many as in December. There's a lot of demand - Mayer's trick is to sustain this growth once it's safer to take risks in public.
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