ins买粉 TikTok成全球下载量最大非游戏APP,5月营收涨10倍

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On June 6, according to the latest data of sensor tower, a global app Market Research Organization, tiktok had more than 119 million downloads in May, with a revenue of more than 95.7 million US dollars (about 680 million yuan), becoming the double champion of global non Game App downloads and revenue. In addition, Tencent video and iqiyi also ranked among the top five in the global revenue list in May.

数据显示,TikTok 5月总营收超过9570万美元(约合人民币6.8亿),比2019年5月增长了10.6倍。其中,约89%的收入来自 ,其次是美国和土耳其,贡献营收分别为6.2%和1.2%。无论是在总收入还是苹果商店的营收上,TikTok都位列榜首,不过在谷歌应用的排行榜中未能进入前十。值得注意的是,Sensor Tower的营收排名未包括安卓应用商店的数据。



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据南都记者观察,2019年以来,字节跳动旗下的TikTok多次登上Sensor Tower的榜单。数据显示,除2019第二季度TikTok排名第四,其余三个季度都位列全球下载量App榜单的前三名。在全球热门移动应用收入榜单中,TikTok 2020年4月份以7800万美元的收入名列 ,3月及2月均位列第三。

According to the observation of Nandu reporters, since 2019, tiktok, a subsidiary of bytechop, has been on the list of sensor tower for many times. According to the data, tiktok ranked fourth in the second quarter of 2019, and ranked in the top three app downloads in the world in the other three quarters. Tiktok ranked first with $78 million in revenue in April 2020, and third in March and February.


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